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From 27 to 29, November 2025

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The programme of the Cremona Agrifood Hub Academy starts with a project for young people

Almost 1000 school students – either in person or online – have taken part in the “On the way to Cremona” project, a CremonaFiere project for students at agricultural schools and part of the Zootecniche Cremona International Exhibition, to be held at Cremona from 1 to 3 December. The project forms part of the larger Cremona Agrifood Hub Academy, the training programme run by CremonaFiere in the context of the Zootecniche Cremona International Exhibition, with events for young and old alike. Two days – 6 and 7 October – dedicated exclusively to students, including specially designed workshops, in a completely innovative format.
“The classes,” says CremonaFiere CEO Massimo De Bellis, “were invited to participate in this two day event with teaching workshops on technical and scientific subjects, run by university professors and researchers, even before the summer. The invitations were sent out to all 145 Italian agricultural and trade schools: the response was very gratifying, and their teachers especially appreciated the project’s innovative format. Depending on the school and the teachers, the classes were divided up into groups for the in-person lessons, while an online connection enabled us to engage with even distant schools.”
The workshops covered the most topical issues facing animal husbandry and presented the most advanced technological solutions: the students were also given some “homework” – to be completed under the guidance of their teachers – which they will be able to submit in whichever way they prefer, whether a presentation, video or podcast.
The files will then be sent to CremonaFiere over the coming weeks for evaluation by a jury, and the best will be awarded prizes at the exhibition itself, on 1 December 2022.
“This,” continues De Bellis, “is an absolutely new format, focussed on the students and designed to grow their know-how, exactly as demanded by the world of work today. I have to say that the experience of the two day event was extremely positive and the participants perfectly understood the value of the project, which was designed specifically in response to the didactic requirements of upper school students.”
The CEO also explained while CremonaFiere is very busy with the upcoming exhibition – 1-3 December – they are already thinking about next year’s version of the project, given the enthusiastic response and excellent results it garnered this year.
In the meantime, the classes are hard at work – on the way to CREMONA!