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From 27 to 29, November 2025

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Zootecniche Cremona International Exhibition: a global event

The upcoming edition of Zootecniche Cremona International Exhibition, scheduled for November 30 – December 2, 2023 at Cremona Exhibition Centre is ready to welcome a wider and more international audience with really important figures: 700 registered animals from 150 livestock farms, a rich exhibit repertoire and 70 events in three days. A very precious dowry for the 78th edition of the Show, that is experiencing this year a much broader participation both from exhibitors and from visitors all over the world. In fact, several delegations of sector professionals from Italy and from abroad are organizing their visit to the Show. Many countries will be represented at the Cremonese event: Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Czech Republic, Germany, Mexico, Morocco, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Switzerland, USA and Uzbekistan. The internationalization projects and the official incoming buyer program are as usual organized with the cooperation and support of Italian Trade Agency.

The real success of the International Dairy Show, that really has what it takes to be a truly global event, is to be found in its strong connection to the breeders’ world. In fact, this is a Show wanted by breeders, conceived by breeders and addressed to breeders. And it is not by chance that it is organized by breeders as well, with a committee of young breeders supporting CremonaFiere all the year round in the organization of the show. They are strongly motivated, very competent and perseverant. With their hard work, they are the driving force of the event. They meet weekly, both in person and online since international breeders are part of the team as well. This group has created a prestigious international Dairy Show, that after only two editions is already eagerly awaited and much appreciated by breeders from all over the world. The best European heads of cattle of Holstein, Red Holstein, Brownswiss and Jersey Breeds will be the true protagonists of the Show. The International Dairy Auction – @CR European Sale – will feature lots from Italy and from Europe and, just like in the past two years, there will also be Charity lots.

Along with the Dairy Show, there will be the International Exhibition with its long and deep-rooted tradition, that offers a prestigious showcase for the whole agro-livestock sector: from technologies and equipment for livestock farming, to feed and machinery, going through services and technical publishing. A rich events programme will be part of the Exhibition as well, with seminars, round tables and workshops providing an extensive overview on the whole sector and with a specific focus on innovation and on the most controversial issues for the sector in this time. Further details and useful information to organize the visit are available on the Exhibition Official Website: